"La pratique de la méditation permet une meilleure qualité de présence à l’instant. Elle favorise le calme mental et permet de mieux comprendre que le contenu d’une pensée ne définit pas ce que nous sommes.
Chaque fois que notre attention vient se reposer dans l’instant, elle cesse d’alimenter les peurs, les doutes, les regrets qui appartiennent au passé ou au futur."
Sophie Boyer

Many people experience a range of emotions after receiving a cancer diagnosis. Some people might feel shocked, afraid, or depressed.
Many people will ponder the reasons behind their cancer diagnosis. Many people grow frustrated at the loss of control cancer has created when they undergo greater emotional and physical changes as a result of therapy.
Patients can manage by drawing on earlier coping mechanisms that have helped them get through other crises they have encountered in their lives.
Additionally, by guiding patients away from worrying about the unknowns brought on by cancer and toward the present now, mindfulness techniques can improve outcomes.
A patient's diagnosis, treatment, and negative side effects bring up a lot of thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness can help patients focus on the present moment and instill hope in their daily lives as they fret about the unknowns of cancer.

"La pratique de la méditation permet une meilleure qualité de présence à l’instant. Elle favorise le calme mental et permet de mieux comprendre que le contenu d’une pensée ne définit pas ce que nous sommes.
Chaque fois que notre attention vient se reposer dans l’instant, elle cesse d’alimenter les peurs, les doutes, les regrets qui appartiennent au passé ou au futur."
Sophie Boyer
Noticing everyday events: Hearing the phone ring, waiting at a stop sign, or drinking water can all provide a break from stress by reminding you to be present and pay attention to what you can see, hear, and taste.
Choose a single daily mindfulness practice: When you brush your teeth, take a shower, or stroll from point A to point B, you have the chance to take your time and do things slowly. By doing this, you may avoid rushing through things and be present in the moment.
Being sympathetic with yourself: When faced with constraints, observing your thoughts and treating yourself with kindness rather than judgment can help you name the unpleasant emotions and give you some time to consider their worth.

Patients can work with physical discomfort in their bodies and experience tranquillity when they use mindfulness techniques.
The following are a few activities that promote mindfulness: dancing, walking, gardening, breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation.
5 These exercises can aid patients in developing nonjudgmental awareness of their body, particularly its tensions and discomforts.
By incorporating mindfulness into several activities like these, you can increase your awareness of everything you are doing and find serenity.
It is very natural to experience anxiety after receiving a cancer diagnosis.
A patient may go through what is referred to as a "flight, fight, or freeze" response as they react to a threat to their personal safety and life.
The choice to engage the threat or run away from it, in this case psychologically, is made when this mechanism is engaged.
Sadness is another typical emotion linked to cancer. It's critical to recognize the emotions that may arise throughout diagnosis, treatment, and remission.
During stressful days, mindfulness practice helps restore bodies, calm minds, and rekindle hope.
The act of gratitude is a component of mindfulness that is linked to creating a positive sense of self, by non-judgmentally changing the focus from moments that did not go as planned to events, things or feelings that went right.
The act of gratitude can include giving thanks for a good cup of
coffee, heat in your home, or a laugh with an old friend.
Gratitude is the most powerful act in creating happiness. The act of being grateful can create a feeling in patients of balance and peace.
Cancer is a traumatic event that changes a person’s life. Utilizing mindfulness tools can provide peace and hope.
Practising mindfulness on a daily basis can assist with the long-term effects of happiness and positivity.
Even occasional mindfulness practice can help provide a break from the stress of cancer and fill patients with a sense of calm to confront the challenges they face.

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